Those who put pineapple on pizza
And those who think that’s not absolutely wrong
Economists who think the market works
And the billionaires who bankroll their thoughts
Creeps in buses and streets and bars
And the mobs with their hockey sticks
Who beat up not the creeps but the lovers in parks.
Bullies in the school playground
And those in parliament.
Scammers—the retailers who are kind enough to call
And the wholesale kind who fund the entire sarkar.
The CEOs of oil companies who knew the science
And the slick advertisers who anyways sold us out
Lovers who lie, and lovers who cheat
And those who knew and let it go on
I wish all these people had even half your guilt
And at what
At just at having skipped a meal again.
At having asked maybe one question too many
At just having spoken and said hi too loud
I wish all these people had even half your guilt
And the world would be a much better place